

Persuasive Apologetics: The Art of Handling Tough Questions Without Pushing People Away (2023) by Kregel Academic Publishing. Available at Amazon or Christian Book Distributors.

In Persuasive Apologetics, pastor and professor Jeffrey M. Robinson explores what’s below the surface of what seem to be purely intellectual objections to Christianity. He talks about what it means to actually contend for the truth, while leading us through real-life examples of how we can communicate with others who have differing beliefs. Robinson covers some topics like why tone matters in apologetics, the influence of presuppositions, how to utilize undercutting defeaters, and why Jesus’ historicity can be trusted. Whether you’re a committed Christian looking to hone your apologetics skills, or a seeker desiring to peel back the layers of skeptical arguments, this book will challenge and equip you.

"This incredible book is the perfect balance of mind and heart." - Dr. Thom S. Rainer, Founder and CEO, Church Answers 

"Consider this volume a one size fits all text. Check it out—highly recommended!" - Dr. Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia

"This book helps apologists for the Christian faith make that connection between the rational and the personal." - Dr. William A. Dembski, Author of The Design Inference & Distinguished Fellow, Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

"Robinson offers a theologically rich, rhetorically informed, and compelling Christian apologetic that hits just the right note by taking seriously the importance of how apologists communicate." - Dr. David Baggett, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for Moral Apologetics, Houston Baptist University, Houston, Texas

"This book offers believers a solid foundation for Christian apologetics in an accessible format." - Dr. Jimmy Scroggins, Lead Pastor, Family Church, West Palm Beach, Florida

"Preparing to deliver an apology for the faith is required of all Christians, and Persuasive Apologetics is the best place I know for the general believer to begin." - Dr. Malcolm B. Yarnell III, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas

"Persuasive Apologetics will give you the foundations for understanding how to defend your faith and knock out the props holding up false worldviews." - Dr. Jon Akin, Director of Young Leader Engagement, North American Mission Board 

"Robinson has provided a wonderfully accessible and engagingly relatable treatment of apologetics. I am honored to recommend it!" - Dr. Earl Waggoner, Dean and Professor of Christian Studies, Colorado Christian University, Lakewood, Colorado

Peer-reviewed publications

"Christ and the Cradle: The Explanatory Power of Christian Theism for Basic Moral Sensibilities on the Ontology of Children." Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University Rawlings School of Divinity, September 2017. 

“The Life and Work of William Lane Craig.” The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers in America: From 1600 to the Present. Co-authored with David Baggett. John R. Shook, Editor (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016). 211-214. 

“An Incongruent Amalgamation: John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism on Naturalism.” Eleutheria, 4:2 (2015).

Professional presentations

Doubt Triggers: Discovering and Overcoming our Hesitations to God” Presented at the Palm Beach Atlantic University Faithful Witness Apologetics Conference, Palm Beach, Florida, October 27, 2023.

“Persuasive Apologetics: Tone & Truth.” Presented at the Palm Beach Atlantic University Faithful Witness Apologetics Conference, Palm Beach, Florida, October 28, 2022.

“Persuasive Apologetics: Tone and Truth.” Presented at the 2021 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. Fort Worth, Texas, November 16, 2021.

“More than Mere Theism: The explanatory power of Christian theism for the intrinsic value of children.” Presented at the 2019 Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting. San Diego, California, November 22, 2019.

“Poor Apologetics: Poverty And Apologetics Within The Local Church.” Presented at the 2016 Eastern Regional Evangelical Theological Society. Lynchburg, Virginia, April 1, 2016. 

"Anthropology and Economics: How Sound Economic Policy Reflects Biblical Anthropology.” Presented at the Liberty University Research Symposium, Lynchburg, Virginia, November 5, 2015.

“The Relationship between Theology and Ethics: How Theology informs Ethics.” Presented at the University of Transylvania, Brasov, Romania, October 13, 2013.


Book reviews

Review of Douglas Groothuis, Philosophy in Seven Sentences. Christian Research Journal, 39:5 (2016): 56.


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